Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Book Review By Tia Warwick. Room 8. Year 4

Title: Mission Girl
Main characters: Atapo, Atapo's lover, Pakeha people.
About the Story: After Atipo's family die, Atapo must learn the ways of the Pakeha people and guide her people to safety. If she doesn't, her people will be in terrible danger. Atapo must also learn about the love of Jesus Christ. She must teach all of her tribe and even people she doesn't like.
Best part: When Atapo marries her lover in the end.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Review

The Talking Stick

Hohepa dreams he is in the meeting house with his family. He waits to be allowed to speak, but there is no talking stick in the meeting house. His family begin to leave. He begs them not to go, but no one listens to him. When he wakes from his dream, Hohepa decides that he must make a talking stick for his family because they are forgetting the old ways. he chooses a piece of kauri, and works on it every day. Little by little the talking stick begins to take shape. What had seemed to be dead was coming to life.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Buddy Reading

Room 7 and 17 enjoyed a story together in the Library. Mrs Macro read "The Dumb Bunnies" which is one of our favourite books. We are all wearing something red as part of the Asthma Foundation's Balloon Day.